Check for malware mac
Check for malware mac

check for malware mac

It contains code to capture screenshots and access the webcam on an infected Mac, ways to map out and connect to other devices on the same network, basic remote-control functionality, with additional capabilities to communicate with a Command-and-Control (C&C) server. What it does: The Fruitfly malware appears to be purpose-built for corporate espionage.

check for malware mac

First spotted by an IT administrator who noticed some weird network traffic coming from one of his Macs, the malware quickly caught the eye of the security industry. While the existence of this piece of malware was first brought to light about halfway through January, there are actually some indications that this particular threat might have been making the rounds for much, much longer than expected. The prize for the first new piece of Mac malware of 2017 goes to a threat dubbed Fruitfly by Apple. We’ll cover what each piece of malware does, where it comes from, and what level of risk it poses to Mac users.įruitfly (January 18th, 2017). In today’s episode, we’re going to take a closer look at these new threats that have been spotted targeting Macs in the first few weeks of 2017. They range from simplistic and poorly coded all the way to professional-grade malware with dangerous capabilities. Some of these threats are brand new, unknown to security researchers prior to the past few weeks, while others appear to simply be new variants of previously identified malware.

  • Bonus Item: Steps you can take to minimize malware threats.Īfter a relatively quiet period over the last few months of 2016 as far as sightings of new Mac malware goes, 2017 has already reversed course with a plethora of newly discovered malware targeting Apple’s macOS.
  • check for malware mac

    XAgent: Komplex malware resurfaces (February 14th, 2017).Downloader Word Macro Malware (February 6th, 2017).

    Check for malware mac